Well looks like another year is done. What did you accomplish this past year? What did I? Were we a part of something of great significance? or did we just survive and exist another year? another 365 days of your/my life is gone what do we have to show for it?
I hope that you have people you can point at and say "they're my legacy for 2008!"
I do, and it makes all the difference! Things and stuff comes and goes but the people we impact during the few years we are here on earth last forever, for eternity!
What will you do with the year to come?
I know what my family and I will do. In no more than 6 months (God willing) we will uproot and move across the United States and replant in a city known to tear families and lives apart,
Las Vegas!!
Why, you may ask? Because of those lives that have fallen apart there and feel there is no hope for a way out. There is hope but it takes someone to help us along to find it most of the time. That's what we will be doing.
We will risk it all in the hope to save a few. To save them from needles, sex, pills, bottles, lines of the powder substance of your choosing, whatever addictions or crutches they may be leaning on... essentially save them from themselves, just like we needed someone to save us from ourselves a day not that long ago really.
The bottom line in yes, Jesus does the saving, but we must do the going and bringing them to Him. How will they hear if no one goes? How will they come to know Him if no one ever tell them about His love? the answer is... they probably wouldn't. So we must go. and that's the core of why we are going to the strip in Vegas. Is it crazy? sure, but whatever! I am sure tons of people thought those handful of men and women who said they followed a Savior who had been crucified and raised from the dead were too. What's life without a little crazy in it anyhow?
lolIt is our prayer that God will prepare the hearts of those furthest from Him before we go and lead them to be responsive to hearing about His love for them when we find them!
God speed!!!
Shalom to all!!!