Well Merry Christmas!
No "Happy Holidays" here. That has to be the most annoying thing to me during Christmas time. Maybe I will be labeled as not politically correct, but I am sure it will not be the last time someone does. A holiday is just another day we get to use as an excuse to get off work it seems but Christmas is MUCH MORE than that. I will not bore you with a ranting of the significance of Christmas, as I am sure you know it is the celebration of the birth of Christ, but just thought I would share my disdain of the phrase coined by our "culturally over sensitive" media pals (hopefully the disdain will catch on and we can start acting like a nation founded on Christian values again - wait that makes too much sense doesn't it. . . hmmm.) [nice run on sentence huh? yeah I got skills]
It's crazy, here it is a couple days after we celebrate our Savior's incarnate invasion of "our" world, and my wife and I are searching plane ticket prices to visit the launch site for our invasion into satan's lil playground. This is so exciting (and insane.) We plan to be going out for our visit in Feburary (given we can find some affordable flights.)
Anyhow, we had a great Christmas and all is well with the fam. I hope this finds any followers of this blog doing well also.
Well just wanted to say hello and get back to the top of your watch lists. :)
I plan to post a blog about a message I heard recently on discipleship, it will redefine the word for you as it did for me if I can articulate it as well. Talk to you soon!
Posted by
on Sunday, December 28, 2008
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Trying to get consitent on updating this site.
Posted by
on Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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Ok well here is the next step we are having to take for Vegas. . .
We are having to raise our own support (salary) for going out to Vegas.
This is really difficult for me because I have been self sufficient since moving out of my parents house nearly ten years ago. However, I have been told to look at it as an opportunity to allow others, who are unable to make a jump like moving to Vegas, to make a HUGE difference in reaching people who are hurting for Christ without ever even taking a step into Vegas perhaps. Krystal and I were in the process of getting together all our list and writing our letters and all before our world got shaken like a Christmas snow globe. So needless to say we have not finished that project yet.
The delima we are facing now is it is awfully close to Christmas now and people are always overly busy during this time (including us!) I know if it was me (being honest here lol) I would probably mindlessly place a letter like that in a stack of junk mail and not think about it again until February. So we are praying about when to send them out.
I say all of this because many of you will probably be receiving one. If you do not receive one it is not because we do not love you or need you but we have simply had to try to think of everyone in the world to send one to and perhaps your name was on the list but got overlooked in envelope stuffing time. (that's my way of saying I probably forgot, sorry.)
So I hope you look forward to hearing from us soon, probably after the New Year. If you can not wait until then let me know and I will get in touch with you ASAP! Thanks again for even being willing to read my ramblings on here.
We are having to raise our own support (salary) for going out to Vegas.
This is really difficult for me because I have been self sufficient since moving out of my parents house nearly ten years ago. However, I have been told to look at it as an opportunity to allow others, who are unable to make a jump like moving to Vegas, to make a HUGE difference in reaching people who are hurting for Christ without ever even taking a step into Vegas perhaps. Krystal and I were in the process of getting together all our list and writing our letters and all before our world got shaken like a Christmas snow globe. So needless to say we have not finished that project yet.
The delima we are facing now is it is awfully close to Christmas now and people are always overly busy during this time (including us!) I know if it was me (being honest here lol) I would probably mindlessly place a letter like that in a stack of junk mail and not think about it again until February. So we are praying about when to send them out.
I say all of this because many of you will probably be receiving one. If you do not receive one it is not because we do not love you or need you but we have simply had to try to think of everyone in the world to send one to and perhaps your name was on the list but got overlooked in envelope stuffing time. (that's my way of saying I probably forgot, sorry.)
So I hope you look forward to hearing from us soon, probably after the New Year. If you can not wait until then let me know and I will get in touch with you ASAP! Thanks again for even being willing to read my ramblings on here.
Posted by
on Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Comments: (4)
Hey all you who subscribe to my blog (all three of you I think),
Sorry I've been gone for awhile. We have had our world turned upside down, details to follow. . .
Some of you may already know that Krystal and I were expecting our second child. (That always sounds weird to say I am pregnant as well as Krystal so that's why I say "expecting"; is that weird to anyone else or just me? anyways...) At any rate, on November 4th we received the worst news of our lives. Krystal went in for a routine 17 week visit with her doctor, Pat Collier (who is the best midwife in the world.) To make a long story short, Krystal was informed that they could not find the heartbeat of our child and so was sent to get an emergency ultrasound at Maryview hospital. Krystal called me immediately, obviously terribly distraught. I left work at once and God parted the sea of cars so I could make record time. (I know God does not like when I speed but I feel He made an exception that day.) I have to say that I know now more than ever that my God is patient and understanding of our pain in life because the "conversation" I had with Him on the way to the hospital was nothing short of me demanding that He uphold His "end of the deal" in our relationship and take care of my wife and our baby.
I arrived at the hospital at the same time at Krystal and her mom (who came to drive her and take care of Brodie.) When we finally got to the room for the ultra sound and the tech was doing her deal I could barely stand my legs were so weak. The tech tried to move the screen and work quickly so Krystal would not see the results. However, I stood so that I could hold my wife's hand but still see what the screen was showing us. I did not see any movement in the first image but tried to convince myself that maybe the baby was sleeping. The tech went through all the measurements on the screen at lightning speed but she eventually got to what I figured out was the heartbeat monitor screen. . . it was nothing but flat lines. My heart sank to the floor. I kept trying to tell myself the machine must be broke; hoping I was not smart enough to know that what I saw was the truth. Krystal finally asked the lady what the results were and she informed her she was unable to find a heartbeat. I nearly lost the strength to stand.
Krystal and I could do nothing but hold each other and cry. To say that it was awful doesn't begin to grasp the pain we were feeling. Krystal's mom graciously kept Brodie for a for a few days while we attempted to process some of our grief. All Krystal and I could do was go home and hold each other and cry. It was truly the darkest time of my life. My heart hurt so much that at times I could barely breath. I hated watching my wife grieve the lost of our child nearly as much as I hated having to grieve the lost myself.
Vince and Chuck were a great support for me and Jen and Julie were great for Krystal. To tell you the truth many people were there for us and it was very comforting all the offers for support but Krystal and I pretty much stayed inside our house for a few days and cried and held each other. Afterwards Krystal still needed to go in for outpatient surgery to remove the baby. It was a rough day to say the least. If it were not for Vince and Chuck staying in contact (via text) and praying for me I do not think I could have handled it.
I must say that I never fully understood how much pain people were in who had lost a child before. I had always thought that if you had not held the baby then what's the big deal. Wow! I was such an insensitive idiot! I am sorry if there is anyone who reads this blog and you have dealt with this pain and I dismissed it. It is a grief that you can not begin to understand if you have not been through it.
The day after this horrible day I was driving back from work (who had sent me home to be with my wife, ITA was great through the whole process) and my wheel fell off while I was driving down the road. Literally fell off and was under the car. Yeah, like Coyote and Road Runner material right there. Well I was left on the side of the road waiting for Krystal to come get me, and a tow truck to pick up the car and take it to the shop ($4,000 worth of damage to be exact, yeah real nice huh? no it sucked.)
I know full well that this was all the work of satan (and I know that's a proper noun that should be capitalized but he's a jerk so he gets lower case!) I know this because he talked to me. Now just hold on a second; I know how crazy this sounds and I am sure you are already dismissing me as some nut. However, I know I hear from God, not audibly but like a small nudge inside of me. Well, that's what I got from that clown. I felt like satan said he would stop all the painful attacks if we would just not go to Vegas. Again I know this is certifiable material! So I am trusting you not to take me to the loony house. I know I hear from God but I never expected to hear from the devil but I know I did. And I know I told him to go screw himself; which I am sure is not what any other preacher would tell you to do if you were to talk to the devil but I did. I know God is in control anyway.
I have to be honest at the start of all of this I wanted nothing more than to run from God and turn to a bottle, pill or something to snort to take the pain away. I just couldn't. All I could do was turn to Jesus and let Him hold Krystal and I when we had no strength. It was crazy to sit and talk to the One who you know was the only One who could prevent all the pain but who was at the same time the source of all your comfort as well.
Well I know this is a long post but I had to tell you a little of what is going on in our lives. It has been the darkest time of my life and at the same time I have never been closer to Krystal. It has really given us a clearer perspective on what things in life are most important. We are more committed than ever to reach out to people in the world and specifically Vegas who are in pain and in a pit they can not see a way out. The only thing we can do sometimes is climb down in the darkness with them and take the Light to them so they can see their way up. That's still the plan, with God's help and guidance. Sorry it was so long and I know I jumped all over the place. Hope you could follow. I will make it a point to check back in with you guys more often.
Peace out!
Sorry I've been gone for awhile. We have had our world turned upside down, details to follow. . .
Some of you may already know that Krystal and I were expecting our second child. (That always sounds weird to say I am pregnant as well as Krystal so that's why I say "expecting"; is that weird to anyone else or just me? anyways...) At any rate, on November 4th we received the worst news of our lives. Krystal went in for a routine 17 week visit with her doctor, Pat Collier (who is the best midwife in the world.) To make a long story short, Krystal was informed that they could not find the heartbeat of our child and so was sent to get an emergency ultrasound at Maryview hospital. Krystal called me immediately, obviously terribly distraught. I left work at once and God parted the sea of cars so I could make record time. (I know God does not like when I speed but I feel He made an exception that day.) I have to say that I know now more than ever that my God is patient and understanding of our pain in life because the "conversation" I had with Him on the way to the hospital was nothing short of me demanding that He uphold His "end of the deal" in our relationship and take care of my wife and our baby.
I arrived at the hospital at the same time at Krystal and her mom (who came to drive her and take care of Brodie.) When we finally got to the room for the ultra sound and the tech was doing her deal I could barely stand my legs were so weak. The tech tried to move the screen and work quickly so Krystal would not see the results. However, I stood so that I could hold my wife's hand but still see what the screen was showing us. I did not see any movement in the first image but tried to convince myself that maybe the baby was sleeping. The tech went through all the measurements on the screen at lightning speed but she eventually got to what I figured out was the heartbeat monitor screen. . . it was nothing but flat lines. My heart sank to the floor. I kept trying to tell myself the machine must be broke; hoping I was not smart enough to know that what I saw was the truth. Krystal finally asked the lady what the results were and she informed her she was unable to find a heartbeat. I nearly lost the strength to stand.
Krystal and I could do nothing but hold each other and cry. To say that it was awful doesn't begin to grasp the pain we were feeling. Krystal's mom graciously kept Brodie for a for a few days while we attempted to process some of our grief. All Krystal and I could do was go home and hold each other and cry. It was truly the darkest time of my life. My heart hurt so much that at times I could barely breath. I hated watching my wife grieve the lost of our child nearly as much as I hated having to grieve the lost myself.
Vince and Chuck were a great support for me and Jen and Julie were great for Krystal. To tell you the truth many people were there for us and it was very comforting all the offers for support but Krystal and I pretty much stayed inside our house for a few days and cried and held each other. Afterwards Krystal still needed to go in for outpatient surgery to remove the baby. It was a rough day to say the least. If it were not for Vince and Chuck staying in contact (via text) and praying for me I do not think I could have handled it.
I must say that I never fully understood how much pain people were in who had lost a child before. I had always thought that if you had not held the baby then what's the big deal. Wow! I was such an insensitive idiot! I am sorry if there is anyone who reads this blog and you have dealt with this pain and I dismissed it. It is a grief that you can not begin to understand if you have not been through it.
The day after this horrible day I was driving back from work (who had sent me home to be with my wife, ITA was great through the whole process) and my wheel fell off while I was driving down the road. Literally fell off and was under the car. Yeah, like Coyote and Road Runner material right there. Well I was left on the side of the road waiting for Krystal to come get me, and a tow truck to pick up the car and take it to the shop ($4,000 worth of damage to be exact, yeah real nice huh? no it sucked.)
I know full well that this was all the work of satan (and I know that's a proper noun that should be capitalized but he's a jerk so he gets lower case!) I know this because he talked to me. Now just hold on a second; I know how crazy this sounds and I am sure you are already dismissing me as some nut. However, I know I hear from God, not audibly but like a small nudge inside of me. Well, that's what I got from that clown. I felt like satan said he would stop all the painful attacks if we would just not go to Vegas. Again I know this is certifiable material! So I am trusting you not to take me to the loony house. I know I hear from God but I never expected to hear from the devil but I know I did. And I know I told him to go screw himself; which I am sure is not what any other preacher would tell you to do if you were to talk to the devil but I did. I know God is in control anyway.
I have to be honest at the start of all of this I wanted nothing more than to run from God and turn to a bottle, pill or something to snort to take the pain away. I just couldn't. All I could do was turn to Jesus and let Him hold Krystal and I when we had no strength. It was crazy to sit and talk to the One who you know was the only One who could prevent all the pain but who was at the same time the source of all your comfort as well.
Well I know this is a long post but I had to tell you a little of what is going on in our lives. It has been the darkest time of my life and at the same time I have never been closer to Krystal. It has really given us a clearer perspective on what things in life are most important. We are more committed than ever to reach out to people in the world and specifically Vegas who are in pain and in a pit they can not see a way out. The only thing we can do sometimes is climb down in the darkness with them and take the Light to them so they can see their way up. That's still the plan, with God's help and guidance. Sorry it was so long and I know I jumped all over the place. Hope you could follow. I will make it a point to check back in with you guys more often.
Peace out!
what's the church name?
Posted by
on Friday, October 31, 2008
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Ok so I was going to tell you the name of the church we are launching on the Strip.
I know some of you will not like it and well. . . that’s ok. . . you don’t have to attend if you don’t want to (also it is probably a long commute for most of you anyway). Anyhow, back to the name. The name of the church that will revolutionize the Strip in Las Vegas is going to be named . . . (drum roll please).
I know what you’re asking. “You mean the Verve?” Nope. Just Verve. Or you may be asking what the heck does verve mean? Well, I’m glad you asked. Verve means: Energy, enthusiasm, liveliness, passion, vitality, the life from which art emanates.
You see the Strip has energy and passion (although it is sadly misplaced on things that only bring temporary pleasure and more pain is always the ultimate outcome). However, the Strip does not have verve.
I think that verve is exactly what the Strip needs. The Strip need life.
Life that God can use to display and been seen truly as art. Life that is so consumed by His love that others feel the energy and vitality radiate from the individual. Life that is passionate about Him.
The Strip needs Verve.
And God is sending it their way!
I know some of you will not like it and well. . . that’s ok. . . you don’t have to attend if you don’t want to (also it is probably a long commute for most of you anyway). Anyhow, back to the name. The name of the church that will revolutionize the Strip in Las Vegas is going to be named . . . (drum roll please).
I know what you’re asking. “You mean the Verve?” Nope. Just Verve. Or you may be asking what the heck does verve mean? Well, I’m glad you asked. Verve means: Energy, enthusiasm, liveliness, passion, vitality, the life from which art emanates.
You see the Strip has energy and passion (although it is sadly misplaced on things that only bring temporary pleasure and more pain is always the ultimate outcome). However, the Strip does not have verve.
I think that verve is exactly what the Strip needs. The Strip need life.
Life that God can use to display and been seen truly as art. Life that is so consumed by His love that others feel the energy and vitality radiate from the individual. Life that is passionate about Him.
The Strip needs Verve.
And God is sending it their way!

Passion 4 Planting
Posted by
on Saturday, October 18, 2008
Comments: (2)
Vince, Robb and I went up to D.C. on Tuesday this week to meet with Passion 4 Planting, an organization that partners with church planters to assist them in remembering all the little details that go along with starting a new church.
I have to say these guys are genuises. I would have never in a million years after doing even a million church plants thought of some of the things and timelines these guys have developed. Not to mention I am in no way wired to be detail oriented and obviously these fellas are. It was nice to have a face to face meeting with people we will be working with extensively for the next year or two.
The ride was pretty cool as well.
What do you get when you put and half Jewish proven successful church planter, a rock and roll star who planted a church, and a motorcycle riding, gun shooting wanna be preacher in the same car? Some interesting theological discussions and mind blowing stories of how a All Powerful God intervenes in normal guys lives in logic defying ways.
I gotta say I can't wait to see what God is gonna do through this church plant in Vegas!!! It' going to be nuts. Oh yeah, we might have decided on a name for the church. . . but I'm not gonna tell yet. . . you gotta stayed tuned for more!
I have to say these guys are genuises. I would have never in a million years after doing even a million church plants thought of some of the things and timelines these guys have developed. Not to mention I am in no way wired to be detail oriented and obviously these fellas are. It was nice to have a face to face meeting with people we will be working with extensively for the next year or two.
The ride was pretty cool as well.
What do you get when you put and half Jewish proven successful church planter, a rock and roll star who planted a church, and a motorcycle riding, gun shooting wanna be preacher in the same car? Some interesting theological discussions and mind blowing stories of how a All Powerful God intervenes in normal guys lives in logic defying ways.
I gotta say I can't wait to see what God is gonna do through this church plant in Vegas!!! It' going to be nuts. Oh yeah, we might have decided on a name for the church. . . but I'm not gonna tell yet. . . you gotta stayed tuned for more!
Vegas aint cheap
Posted by
on Thursday, October 16, 2008
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Unfortunately it’s not cheap to start a church, especially on the Las Vegas Strip (which I do not think would come as a surprise to many people). According to the Clark County Assessor, land on the Las Vegas Strip sells for over $30 million per acre! So obviously we will not be buying land to build a church, more on our plans for “where” later (God pretty much had a building built for us. . . well, kinda).
Just to give you an idea as to how much that is a Los Angeles brokerage has listed for sale the 138 acres of land above the Hollywood sign. The land, previously owned by Howard Hughes, has an asking price of approximately $22 million. This price shows just how rare land in a prime location on the Las Vegas Strip has become.
Those of us who will be on staff are currently raising financial support from churches and individuals who believe in what we’re doing and have the means to help make it happen. We are raising our own salaries to keep overhead down for the church for the first 3 years since everything in Vegas seems to cost more.
Please pray that we will reach our funding goals and be able to afford to do everything we think God has in mind for the Strip. (And maybe even pray about you supporting us financially…if you are considering praying about supporting us please feel free to contact me altman0308@yahoo.com to get more information or set up a phone call).
Also if your church is interested in learning more about what we believe God’s vision for Vegas is and where we fit into that we would be more than willing to come share with your congregation what God is doing and how you can be involved.
Just to give you an idea as to how much that is a Los Angeles brokerage has listed for sale the 138 acres of land above the Hollywood sign. The land, previously owned by Howard Hughes, has an asking price of approximately $22 million. This price shows just how rare land in a prime location on the Las Vegas Strip has become.
Those of us who will be on staff are currently raising financial support from churches and individuals who believe in what we’re doing and have the means to help make it happen. We are raising our own salaries to keep overhead down for the church for the first 3 years since everything in Vegas seems to cost more.
Please pray that we will reach our funding goals and be able to afford to do everything we think God has in mind for the Strip. (And maybe even pray about you supporting us financially…if you are considering praying about supporting us please feel free to contact me altman0308@yahoo.com to get more information or set up a phone call).
Also if your church is interested in learning more about what we believe God’s vision for Vegas is and where we fit into that we would be more than willing to come share with your congregation what God is doing and how you can be involved.
The First Step
Posted by
on Friday, September 26, 2008
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establish a blog . . . MISSION ACCOMPLISHED